

What is Gluster ? 

It can manage extremely large amounts (peta bytes) of data having various mechanisms for fault tolerance and availability. 
It is easy to install, use and administrate. 
Go watch this video !

I can say that,
gluster logically creates a storage(volume) which can be mounted on mount point of the client machine. 
Thus the client gets an entire logical storage/ volume, which is intern made up of storage chunks from  a/different virtual/physical machine/machines.

It looks like this:

In the above image,
Brick is basically a directory, which is considered as a basic unit of storage (inside which files or data are stored)
Node is a machine (physical or virtual) that contains bricks.
Volume is a logical collection of bricks.

Know more here
Good news is, gluster is a open source project. Click me!
You are free to use and contribute!!! 
What is gluster? the gist of it - you know it now :)
Go.. explore more.
Extended read:
setting up a build environment for glusterfs is simple.
Here are few steps to be followed:
1. Sign up and sign in to github
     github link:
2. Log on to gerrit using github credentials
     gerrit link:
3. In gerrit
     go to : my->groups and update the details
4. On your fedora machine generate ssh key pair   
    # ssh-keygen
5. Copy the ssh public key and paste it in gerrit under
     my->groups->ssh public keys
6. Install the required to packages to compile glusterfs
     #dnf install automake autoconf libtool flex bison openssl-devel
       libxml2-devel python-devel libaio-devel libibverbs-devel librdmacm-devel
       readline-devel lvm2-devel glib2-devel userspace-rcu-devel libcmocka-devel
       libacl-devel sqlite-devel fuse-devel redhat-rpm-config
7. Download the  glusterfs source code listed in gerrit under
     projects->list->glusterfs project (select ssh)
     Copy the command in your desired directory.
     You are ready to go!
New to Git?
Git is asystem for tracking changes in source code during software development.

What is GitHub then?
It is a web-based service for version control using Git.
Know more here
Here are some git commands you will commonly use (reference to a newbie):

1. To list the current branches in te local machine.
     git branch -vv
2. To create new branch 
     git checkout -b <branch_name> <origin_name>
     ex. # git checkout -b fix1 origin/master
3. To update the user detail:
    # git config --global ""
    # git config --global "Shwetha Acharya"
4. To save the changes to global repository:
    # git commit -a -s
    To re-edit the commit
    # git commit -a --amend

5. To pull the latest changes from master
(and base your commit at the top)
     # git pull --rebase

6. To push the changes for review
     # ./rfc.
You are now able to set up a build environment for gluster and make changes to source code using git version control!


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